Throne of Glass #0.1-0.5 (Prequel): Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: YA, high fantasy, romance
Released: March 2014
Read: September 2019
Continuing the series. But this can also be read as the first book of the series. I read somewhere that Maas said that this book can be read in two spots-either first, before Throne of Glass, but that didn’t happen since it didn’t exist when I started reading the series… But even as I was starting to reread the series in order to finish the series, I still started with Throne of Glass instead of this one. I don’t know why, because I knew it was mostly back stories and I wanted to move forward? But apparently, Maas has also said that it could be read in publishing order: after book 2 (which if I had been desperately reading ToG as it was coming out, that would make sense too)… But I didn’t do that during this rereading either-I finished Book 3, and THEN I looked to see that Assassin’s Blade came out after Book 2. Woops. But I think it’s fine… It’s just sort of like where in the story you choose to interrupt the line of events. Because the series really is just event after event after event. The poor girl.
So I wasn’t expecting to have as many feels as I did.
Assassin’s Blade is a collection of novellas, short stories that she released as e-books (?) online—I think also after Throne of Glass came out, but still, she’s had these story ideas swimming in her head long before. So I still think that the way they fit together was so good. I think part of my hesitancy to read it was that they would read too much like novellas, like separate stories, choppy. But there still is a timeline to the whole book, and it’s sort of nice in that there isn’t like chunks of boring stuff to pass time. There’s only a tiny bit of repetition, as in repeated pieces of info to recap the readers of what previously happened, so it wasn’t too annoying.
I only realized now (I sort of noticed it before but definitely in this book) that Maas likes to describe how colorfully, etc that people swear and curse (sometimes under their breath or without being fully heard)… Also, a lot of people are often “armed to the teeth”… But it’s fine, we get the point, I supposed she doesn’t have to always describe where all the many many weapons that people have on them are. (Hahahaha).
[[UGH. I typed more but then I accidentally clicked away?! So it didn’t save -_-. Why do I type in here??]]
Anyhow, I do like the feeling of having read the current/future events first and then having everything fit into place afterwards. It felt satisfying like pieces of a puzzle sliding into place… Since it was five mini stories in one, it felt okay to stop at the end of each and just absorb. If you read this as the first book, I think it’s a good amount-small portions at time, to prepare you for what’s in store.
So then I read the first and the second stories slowly. And then once I got to the 3rd, I gobbled up the 4th… And then it was 3AM and I had to go to sleep. And I knew what was coming in the last one, so I couldn’t indulge so late at night because I knew my eyes would be tired but frantic and I didn’t want to be skimming or anything. So I took a break. And do you know what happened—how much knowing what was coming impacted me? I had a dream. I would tell you it here, but it becomes a spoiler, so I guess highlight below to read.
(highlight below to read)
- Did I cry? No, but this is with knowing the outcome of the book—I suspect if you have feelings and you read this book FIRST, before Throne of Glass, then you would likely cry a lot of bit… !! And my dream, for heaven’s sake. What on earth :(.
- Should you read it? I don’t know where I would recommend reading it… Because I feel like it effects how you feel towards some characters later on maybe ish but not a lot but also a little bit…. It’s so weird. But anyway, that’s WHERE. As for should you read it, then the answer is yes, of course.