Throne of Glass #2: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
Genre: YA, high fantasy, romance
Released: August 2013
Read: Maybe 2014? and then again September 2019
I read Book 1 :P.
Celaena is officially the King’s Champion-his own personal assassin. We follow her as she goes out to murder the people ordered to be by the king.
The second book in the Throne of Glass series continues to develop the hidden magical remnants of Erilea of the past. Celaena continues to fall in love (i.e., CHAPTER 22 <3. ;_;!!) and her friendship with Nehemia also grows. But none of her closest companions, Chaol, Dorian, or Nehemia, can fully grasp that their friend is assassinating people at the king’s command.
When one of the king’s targets turns out to be an old acquaintance, a new rift of events causes Celaena’s mission to change, losses to happen, and more prophecies to be answered.
Celaena is definitely the reluctant heroine in this book (as she also was in Book 1), but who can blame her after all she’s been through? She’s an 18 year old girl, who isn’t a girl anymore—the hardships she’s gone through have made her more mature beyond her years. She’s had to deal with so much loss in less than 18 years, so I think she gets to behave and have the characteristics of whoever she wants (this is continuing my argument against people who don’t like Celaena; as mentioned in my Book 1 Review). Her silly parts and her angry parts are just the younger parts of her acting out—because she didn’t get to experience all of that when her parents were brutally murdered 10 years ago. She was only 8 and she started her assassin training when she was only 8. I believe she rightfully can be girly and flirty and a deadly assassin at the same time.
(highlight below to read)
To be honest, some of the descriptions I speedread through; i.e., a lot of the castle tunnel exploration scenes… I read them really fast, not because they’re not good, but because my mind isn’t creative enough to imagine them fully. Like I just want to get to the meat. I think I did this the first time I read some of these books (and like parts of the witch parts), but it’s because my mind keeps jumping ahead. :P.. I’ll do better.
- Did I cry? No
- Should you read it? YES PLEASE. I think people that didn’t fully like the first book, liked this one better. I like both.